Økonomi og velferd

Collier om handel

What Europe should be offering to Africa is to say: “Yes, we give you better market access into Europe but in return you Africans should follow the European model and deepen economic integration amongst yourselves, sier Paul Collier til The European, i et intervju hvor han også kritiserer Europa-kommisjonen for deres politikk overfor Afrika.

Publisert: 18. januar 2012

«Africans have been very hostile to what Europe has offered them. Some of that hostility is pretty understandable because the economic partnership proposals from the European Commission really need to be improved. In particular, what they have been demanding is that Africa liberalizes its import tariffs preferentially in favor of Europe. If Europe manages to bully Africa into doing that, it will be very bad news for Africa,» sier Paul Collier til The European.

«What Europe should be offering to Africa is to say: “Yes, we give you better market access into Europe but in return you Africans should follow the European model and deepen economic integration amongst yourselves.»

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